This Member Resource section contains links and information that are frequently referenced by our members. Please note that you must be logged in to access some of the resources below.
Club Operations
The Columbus Aquatic Club is a member-owned team, run by a volunteer Board of Directors. As a Member of the Columbus Aquatic Club, Members attend an annual membership meeting, vote during Elections and Bylaw revisions. Members are invited to observe Board Meetings and should review the published meeting minutes and financial reports to stay up to date on team management. Board meetings may occassionally be closed to members when employment related issues or other sensitive issues regarding an employee or member is being discussed, however members are encouraged to reach out to board members with questions or concerns.
Where is the Club's Handbook and governing documents? All members are able to read the Club Bylaws and Handbook on our website under the "About Us" tab.
Where can I find the team's fees and billing policies? Team Fees and Billing Policies are located in the handbook and on our website HERE.
How can I connect with other team parents? We have a Member Facebook Group to help parents connect with each other. Parents are welcome to join our team's Facebook group to connect with other parents, ask questions, swap gear or work out carpooling arrangements, etc. Please request to be added to the group here:
My swimmer lost or broke their team cap. How can I get another? Replacement caps can be requested here and we'll make sure your swimmer gets them during practice! (If you know ahead of time that your cap is missing, please request it the week BEFORE a meet! Meet mornings are busy for everyone!)